They are not political, I'll give them that.
God, what would this country be like if there were JWs influencing policy? Bad enough as it is.
i know this has been talked about in the past but im new here..
They are not political, I'll give them that.
God, what would this country be like if there were JWs influencing policy? Bad enough as it is.
i just saw a blurb about this auther in 'the week'.
he was raised a jw and has written a novel based in large part on the craziness he was raised in.
haven't read the book itself, but thought it was interesting that it is being spotlighted in a national publication.
Yes! I saw that in "The Week" as well (actually it was my wife who pointed it out).
On order from my local library. Will have read it by the end of the month.
inspired by a car salesman.
as with john cleese's apoplectic performance, there is never any admission that the "preaching" work, door to door in particular, is dead and has been for some time.
Pining for the fjords?!?
trendingworld war onemanchester pride 2014manchester citymanchester unitedsport city centre music & nightlife food & drink jehovah's witness who told gym member yoga would let 'evil' into her body wins sacking case:
a jehovahs witness who was sacked as a fitness coach after telling a gym member that yoga would allow evil into her body has won a pay out for unfair dismissal.. maciej grochowski, was sacked from his role at the virgin active gym in middleton after several warnings over complaints he was making staff and clients uncomfortable by discussing his beliefs.. he was finally given the boot after writing a series of e-mails to bosses spelling out his religious opinions on issues such as halloween and satanism.. an employment tribunal ruled he was unfairly dismissed as he had not breached the terms of a final warning banning him from discussing religion when it was unwelcome or made others feel uncomfortable.".
"mr grochowski was first warned about his behaviour in june 2011, after several members contacted the gym to see when he was working so they could avoid being there at the same time.
Oh god. . . .
last month, my best friend of four years and boyfriend of six months came home from a jehovah's witness convention.
he'd been acting strangely the entire weekend and i knew something was wrong.
i initiated a discussion and he said, "essentially our relationship is wrong and i'm not supposed to be with you.
Thanks for sharing your story, sad as it is.
What immediately came to mind when you said "This wasn't my best friend. . . . this wasn't the man. . . ." is that you came face-to-face with his reacitvated cult personality which is a real and separate personality from the person you fell in love with.
Read Hassan's Combatting Cult Mind Control for a better understanding of what happened, and go from there.
Best of luck,
i thought it was high time to introduce myself (without my name of course).
as my name would suggest i have been reading your intriguing post, thoughts and discussions for some time now.
around 3/4 months to be exact.. i guess to start with it would seem fitting to give a little background on my current situation.. i'm a born-in, but have over the last few years found that through a number of varying occurences, (some of which i may discuss in future posts) that my 'zeal' has gone from regular field service and meetings to no service in over a year and very sporadic meeting attendance.
what a joke the campaign is.....the sheeple are so blind.
what does this have to do with what jesus taught us to do.
i feel like i was campaigning for a politician.. next thing your going to see on the website is a donation button visible to all vistors without having to log in just bypass the middle man.
This is a good question, one that actually popped into my mind today.
Was walking near Central Park in NYC and saw a trio of JWs standing smiling with two carts advertising the new website and that very thought ran through my mind: "Really? This is what Jesus wanted? Would Jesus stand silently smiling next to a cart on one of the busiest thoroughfares in the world?"
Stupid. Crap.
i just wanted to put links to my watchtower threads all in the same place for my own benefit and future reference.. i wrote these 4 articles almost 20 years ago just after i left the watchtower and before i had encountered any ex-jw books or websites.
they were all based on original research of old wt publications and the nwt bible.. my explanation of why they got it wrong about blood using only the nwt.... i still think this line of reasoning is devastating to the blood doctrine.
i have yet to hear a rational response.. the gospel contrasted with the watchtower doctrine of the ransom.... i wrote this when i was an uber-evangelical.
Will check these out later.
I believe I've read the parousia one already. . .. . Good stuff from what I remember.
Evidently, you thought yourself right out of "the truth."
What a shame!
today at work a co-worker of mine and i were having lunch at a nearby establishment.
he is what you would call a c&e christian in that he basically attends church only for the christmas and easter services, though he definitely says he believes in god.. he said that he just recently caught an episode of a crime/forensic show that featured a man from new jersey named john list who was also known locally as the "bogeyman of westfield.
" list became infamous for murdering his entire family consisting of his wife, three children and his mother on november 9, 1971. see below link for more data.. on the tv show the narrator commented there were a few reasons why he did it.
Interesting conversation! Shows you how little people actually think about this stuff.
today i was at the meeting (i go there about once a month now).
in the service meeting they had a part where they interviewed the secretary of the congregation.. so one question was: "why are the service reports so important?".
our secretary explained that the reports are important, because the elders can see, who is spiritually weak.
But wait! That's not what it says here:
How will people know that not even all JWs will be saved with this kind of misleading information on the Internet!